

  • 基于视频的时序建模与动作识别<Talk>
    Keywords:ARTNet, TSN, UntrimmedNet

  • Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks<Talk>

  • 基于光流的视频语义分割和物体检测<Talk>
    Keywords:Opital flow, Feature propagation(特征传播), Feature aggregation

  • From Faster R-CNN to Mask R-CNN<Talk>
    Key function: Classification, Location, Mask(per pixel) classification, Lanmarks location

  • 理解和利用CNN的内部表征<Talk>
    Outlines: Visualizing the internal units & Weakly supervised localization and class-specific saliency
    Keywords:: 神经元响应,内部表征,物体表征,可视化,可解释性

  • 深度图像检索前沿技术与实际应用<Talk>
    Defining Image Retrieval: Given an image query, generate a rank of all similar images.
    Defining instance retrieval: Given a target object of image query, generate a rank of all images containing the target object.
    Retrieval pipeline: Query image—Image Representations—Image Matching—Ranking List—Spatial Re-ranking/Query Expansion

  • 自动驾驶中的视觉技术<Talk>
    Levels of Driving: L1-L5
    Techniques(L3): High precision map/LiDAR
    Outlines: Stereo/Motion/Detection&Tracking/Scene Understanding/Localization and Mapping(SLAM)